本网讯(bet36365路检测中心)应bet36365路检测中心邀请,瑞典马拉德伦大学Ning Xiong教授于7月18日来校进行学术交流,并做了题为《人工智能在线及联邦学习的初步研究》的学术报告。报告会在学院139会议室举行,由bet36365路检测中心方明星教授主持,学院相关师生参加了本次报告会。

报告会上,Ning Xiong教授简要介绍了物联网和传感器技术的进步使数据能够在各种终端设备上不断连续生成。在线和联邦学习为在边缘环境中处理分布式数据和数据流提供了有前途的工具。Ning Xiong教授结合课题组的研究工作讲述了在线学习和联邦学习的基本概念和思路,讨论了在初步研究中针对递归神经网络(recurrent neural network)、模糊模型和朴素贝叶斯分类器建模所提出的在线和分布式学习方法。
报告会结束后,与会师生就相关问题与Ning Xiong教授展开了热烈地讨论。
Ning Xiong is Professor of Artificial Intelligence. He obtained the Ph.D with Excellent distinction from the University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) in 2000. His research addresses various aspects of computational intelligence techniques, incuding machine learning and big data analytics, evolutionary computing, fuzzy systems, uncertainty management, as well as multi-sensor data fusion, for building self-learning and adaptive systems in industrial and medical domains. He is serving as editorial board members for three international journals. He also has been invited keynote speakers, program committee chairs for internastional conferences and guest editors of special issues for leading journals.